John Travolta's Homes
John Travolta rocketed to stardom as Tony in the classic movie
Saturday Night Fever. He started out as a "sweat-hog"
on the TV series Welcome Back, Kotter in the 70's as a
tough Brooklyn kid. Born and raised in Hoboken New Jersey in a
working class neighborhood Travolta has seemingly avoided the
pitfalls of celebrity by keeping his real estate purchases modest
(comparatively speaking given his celebrity status).

John Travolta's Ocala, Florida Home
Travolta's main home base is his Ocala Florida residence where
he and his wife and their 2 children live a peaceful life.
Hoboken, New Jersey
Working as a sweat-hog, Mr. Travolta purchased his first home
for the elaborate sum of $140,000. The modest home located in
a working class neighborhood was home for him for 5 years until
he turned it over to his sister and her family for safekeeping
when his career took off. The home is still owned by the family
and according to tax records it is now valued at $290,000.
New York, New York
After hitting it big in Saturday Night Fever John bought
an apartment on the upper west side of Manhattan where he lived
until 1984. He sold the apartment for $1.7 million dollars. The
apartment was 3 bedrooms and over 2,000 square feet which must
have felt like a palace to the young star who grew up in his family
home of 2,000 square feet with 5 siblings.
The apartment included hardwood floors and a marble entranceway.
Ocala, Florida
Mr. Travolta procured his Ocala Florida property from Frank Sinatra
for $3.5 million dollars and quickly got to work turning the estate
into a home for both his family and his collection of planes including
his personal Boeing. In Ocala, Jumbolair Estates is an exclusive
aviation community which has roadways in front of the home and
Taxiways in the back of every home.

Interior of Ocala Home
Mr. Travolta built two hangars on his property that are directly
connected to his home via a covered breezeway so he is able to
walk from his house to his plane and literally take off.
The property is often photographed from the air because of its
unique attributes.
Diamond Head Hawaii
This Oahu Hawaii home was actually owned by Mrs. Travolta (Kelly
Preston). It is a modest home in a gated community on the beach
in Diamond Head. It has 3 bedrooms and 3 full baths and is currently
being used as a rental by the new owner. The marble flooring and
the ocean view made this a lovely retreat for the couple.

Travolta's Diamond Head Hawaii Bedroom
The property was sold in 2000 for $1.5 million.
Santa Barbara, California
The Travolta's, like any celebrity couple, are bicoastal with
homes on both the East and the West coast of the US. The Santa
Barbara home was purchased in 1997 for a little over $ 7 million
which is actually quite the deal for this area.
The house is complete with tennis court (rumored to be Kelly's
favorite sport) pool, library and 6 fireplaces. The compound is
surrounded by a high fence with greenery used to cover the fencing.
According to the Travolta's they do not spend a lot of time in
California but when they do they love spending it at their West
Coast home. There is a guest house on the property. Their famous
neighbors include celebrities like Dr. Dre.
Coastal Maine, Islesboro
John and Kelly unlike other celebrities of their magnitude prefer
quiet times and normal family activities. It has long been rumored
that one of John's favorite places to eat is Denny's the restaurant
chain that serves home style meals. With that in mind it is no
surprise that the couple opted for a quiet retreat off the coast
of Maine. Of course their quiet retreat is 12,000 square feet
on the water with a built in pool and massive rooms.
Kirstie Alley a close buddy of the couple convinced them to buy
the home in Maine as a family retreat. Kirstie has since sold
her home but the Travolta's continue enjoying the holidays (this
is where they spend Christmas every year) and other family gathering
times up in Maine.
The home is tastefully decorated and is large enough for both
their extended families to enjoy for the holiday which is exactly
what they do each year. This 6 bedroom home is bordered on one
side by a forest and the other by blueberry fields and is very
Some famous neighbors include Chris O'Donnell and J. P. Morgan.