Carlos Slim Helu's House
The richest man in the world probably has a palatial palace with
30 bedrooms and even more bathrooms, with butlers and maids attending
to his every need, right?
Wrong. Carlos
Slim Helu has lived for decades in the same modest house
in Mexico.
It has six bedrooms in a house once graced by his children,
who have now grown and moved away. He said he much prefers having
extra space outside the house, and he enjoys his gardens and trees.
When asked why he didn't have a bigger house, he replied in typical
style. What does he need with more house? What would he do with
it? When a family lives in a smaller home, they get to be closer
and see each other more.
The furnishings and accessories in
Helu's house are expensive and charming, but they
don't scream "wealth". The house has white painted walls
outside and beige dominates the interior. This creates a warm
and soft nuance, along with the wall lamps and the chandeliers
that light most rooms.
Doors on the house are painted a simple white. They give his
house a neat, clean appeal. You'll find flowers in most rooms
and Catholic ornaments and paintings here and there. The house
has a sense of beauty and also a sense of religion. Outside the
home, the gardens have large and small trees alike.
Carlos Slim is definitely a family man, and his family has always
come first. He could have a multi-million dollar home if he wanted
it, but he doesn't feel the need to impress his guests. His office
is found in the same neighborhood, and his childhood home is just
a few miles away.
His childhood home has two
stories and a Gothic appeal to the exterior. It
has not been occupied for more than 20 years, but it still plays
a part in their lives. Helu feels the beauty of the house, and
the amazing things that are preserved there. It is not only a
part of life, he says, but a part of him, as well.
Inside you'll find a home kept for preserving memories of his
youth. Photos of the family line the brown walls, including portraits
of all five of his siblings and a large painting of his father.
The living room holds a pianola, which Mr. Slim will open and
play, for guests. He can't play a lot, he says, but he used to
pretend he could, since it's one of the type of pianos that plays
by itself.

Carlos Slim Helu's New York City Mansion
His office holds no computer. He prefers to keep his data stored
in notebooks that are meticulously kept. A photo of his father
faces his desk. He will allow guests to open a wooden bureau that
holds a wireless radio, which is a model from the 1940's. He laughs
at their amazement, and enjoys showing off childhood memories
that are frozen in time in his childhood home.
Carlos Slim Helu enjoys history, and the history and culture
of his Mexico, in particular. He spends time in his quiet home
and his functional office, stopping occasionally to revisit his
childhood home. He also spends time at the new museum he is having
built, to share his art treasures with everyone who would care
to visit.
In 2010 Carlos Slim Helu bought the Duke Mansion
on 5th Avenue in New York City for $44 million. Hey, even Carlos
needs a home away from home, right. :)